Learn to be a Scrum Master. This Specialization is designed to help Scrum beginners learn the foundational knowledge to become proficient with Agile Scrum
World-Class Instructors
Patient, Knowledgeable and Experienced instructor with over 30 years in the IT industry at various disciplines.
Scenario Based Training
Our Instructors focus on learning by doing by using real-life situations to support active learning.
Hands on Approach
At Agile Scrum Experts, we focus on practical or active approach to learning and problem-solving.

Lots of hands on, scenario based training. Interview and job preparation in the process.
Serious students should be ready to challenge any certification and be ready to ace any interview at the end of the 4-weeks class period. Continued assistance from instructor until and after landing a dream job
Enrolled Students
Education Awards
Certified Teachers
About the Instructor
Patient, knowledgeable and experienced instructor with over 30 years in the IT industry at various disciplines.
Over 10 years experience as a Scrum Master/Agile Coach with a MSc degree in Database Systems and Security.
Uncanny ability to take something that looks so difficult and make it look so simple.
Rest assured…you are in good hands
Student Testimonials
The class was simply amazing and there were so many things I was able to use right away with my teams.

I learned more about Scrum than I thought I would. The instructor was awesome and answered tons of real world use cases.